of age. any pronouns. n/sfw.

What's New

Version 9.25

Version History

3 days ago

Jace André is a retired professional boudoir photographer in Paris, France. When offered a new job in the Philippines, he didn't hang back to return to his hometown to live a simpler life. Recently, he drags people around to catch up with them.



A list of people I treasure.

LOVELIST! Gun. Calvin. Jia. Valentina. Kyo. Varus. Dexter. Alfonso. Elle. Amber. Eros. Coraline.

Before You FollowDo Not Interact
Mundane is of age, in college and residing currently in California, USA so Jace would prolly give late replies.If: a troll account, tweets nsfw all the time, doxxer, homophobic, toxic & engages in too much drama.


My daylight.

I could still remember the day we met. It was late at night when you were craving for strawberry milk. It's only a little detail about you but I find it so adorable. How can I also erase in my mind how your hands felt on mine for the first time and how your eyes sparkled brighter than the stars that night?

By then I knew that I will like you for a long time. You are all the things I find beautiful and let's make things work this time.

P.S. You smell like roses.
